Saturday 24 March 2012

Rub a dub, dub.

I'm loving those face markings. Seriously stylish in a duckish kinda way.

Mystery Bird

I've looked through all my bird books and I can't identify these beauties. Pretty common, but duck or goose I don't know. I'd probably fail as a twitcher, but they were fun to snap.

Duck! Here they come!

Some pretty water reflection colour going in in this snap. And pretty feather action of course.

Swan Song

It is a myth that swans sing mournfully just before they die – how poetic and beautiful. But no, they don't.  They sure are beautiful in life though, singing or not.  

Monday 19 March 2012

Out on a limb

The New Holland Honeyeater – very sweet indeed!

Busy Bird

The nectar collector.


A Yellow Face Honeyeater looking for sweet stuff.


"How does one become a butterfly?" she asked pensively. "You must want to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar."
Trina Paulus

Pretty Pretty

Looks fake doesn't it? A common but pretty wee butterfly.